
You are the person you like

I know I have not made the best decisions in life. I have made some doozies of bad decisions. However, with a few exceptions, I made the best decisions I could in the choices and the knowledge I had. It's easy to say, well later I learned... but it wasn't later when you made the decision.

Remember also even hard lessons sink in deeper. Perhaps you missed out on a great deal on a car, maybe learning that now will help you from missing out on a great deal on a house later. Your lessons in life do help with the future, though they are sometimes painful in your past.

I don't want to lecture, it won't change how you feel. But do look at decisions with an eye for the knowledge you had and the choices you believed you had and they may look better. Sometimes you did, or at least tried, your best for the situation and the age. I hope you won't be hard on yourself.

I am glad you are starting to like who you are. Take care of yourself. You are the only you this world has.

You will be starting to like the person who you are

Via Jeffry Brickley

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